The 128GB and 256GB storage models also get Rs 2,000 off each and are listed for Rs 79,900 and Rs 89,900 respectively. Apple iPhone XR at a starting price of Rs 74,990, iPhone X at Rs 74,999Īpple iPhone XR (64GB) will be available for a price of Rs 74,900, down from Rs 76,900. Apple has included Portrait mode on both iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. The phones are powered by the A12 Bionic chipset, which is a six-core processor and is said to handle tasks related to machine learning and artificial intelligence more efficiently. They protect both the front and the back of your device and can turn into a tablet stand, which is particularly useful when you want to watch videos.Both iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max come with dual 12MP+12MP cameras with improved sensors. Bookcases, as the name says, have the shape of a book. If you have a 2-in-1 convertible laptop, you can use a tablet case to prevent scratches and damage. Tablet Cases Can Protect Your 2-in-1 Laptop The most high-tech laptop backpacks feature USB ports, so you can charge your smartphone or tablet on the go. Gaming backpacks have additional pockets for your keyboard, mouse, cables and smartphone, so you can bring your entire battle station with you when traveling. Others come with separate backpack rain covers. Like laptop cases and bags, these backpacks can be splashproof to protect your device from the rain. Some models also have padded straps for extra comfort. They distribute the weight of the laptop evenly on your body, to prevent muscle strain and pain. Laptop backpacks are likely the most convenient option to carry your device around. Laptop Backpacks Are Spacious and Comfortable
Many laptop bags have additional pockets for documents, pens, mice and keyboards. There are also messenger laptop bags, that look good with any casual outfit. Most have the shape of a traditional briefcase, so they blend well with both formal work outfits and casual attire. These bags come in a variety of colors and designs to fit every style. The straps also help you to avoid dropping your expensive laptop.
Laptop bags look similar to protective sleeves, but they feature handles or a shoulder strap to carry your device around more easily. Laptop Cases and Bags Work Well With Both Casual and Formal Outfits Fabric cases generally offer more protection than hard cases since they tend to fit more tightly around the device. Many brands offer cases and sleeves for a specific laptop model, so you can easily find the size you were looking for. To keep your laptop safe, the case should fit snugly, without leaving any space for the device to move around. For extra protection, you can put your notebook carrying case inside a bag or backpack. Most models also have convenient external pockets, to store mice and other accessories away from the laptop and prevent scratches. To protect your device against the rain and accidental drink spills, some cases are splash-proof. The latter sleeves often undergo severe stress tests to ensure quality and reliability. Others have a sophisticated protection structure to prevent damage in case of heavier impacts or falls from a low height. Some sleeves have just a minimal amount of padding, to keep your device safe in case you bump it. Notebook carrying cases and sleeves have internal padding to protect your device from accidental damage. Laptop Sleeves Help You Keep Your Device in Tip-top Conditions
From formal briefcases to sporty backpacks, you will find everything you need to carry your device safely to work or your next holiday destination. There are thousands of laptop cases and bags to fit everyone's needs.